*As of December 31st. 2023
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Our business in numbers
Assets Under Management
*As of December 31st. 2023
USD 2.3 Billion*
*As of December 31st. 2023
USD 21 Billion*
Capital mobilization
+ 215 projects*
Knowledge of the region
*As of December 31st. 2023
Know our projects
La Romana Airport
Country: Dominican Republic
Sector: Transportation and Logistics
Financing Amount: USD 7MM
Gestión Solar
Country: Chile
Sector: Energy Financing Amount: USD 17.2MM
Impact: 11,934 Jobs
Santa Rosa
Country: Argentina
Sector: Energy
Financing Amount: USD 11.7MM
Impact: 2260 jobs generated during construction. 74 jobs during operation.
Country: Brazil
Sector: Water and Sanitization
Financing Amount: USD 14.2MM
Impact: 1,700,000 cubic meters of effluents
Country: Dominican Republic
Sector: Telecommunications
Financing Amount: USD 21MM
Impact: 215 telecommunication towers
Learn more about
our projects
Figures that speak for our work
USD 743 Million
in assets
USD 2,3 Billion
Carbon Emissions avoided
USD 475 Million
in assets
USD 1,8 Billion
1,197,743 tCO2/year
Carbon Emissions avoided
Our Shareholders
CIFI´s shareholding group is one of our strengths, since we have the presence of relevant institutions such as the financial institutions of development aid of the governments of Norway and Finland, as well as multilateral organizations, commercial banks and management team. There is an important geographical representation which makes CIFI a global player with access to international markets.