Recently, we had the privilege of visiting the SIBA Energy Thermoelectric Power Plant, which was celebrating its first month since its inauguration. During this visit, our executives and members of the board of directors had the opportunity to tour the facilities in the company of distinguished professionals, among them Eddy Gómez, East Zone Area Manager – EGE Haina; Michele Florentino, SIBA Project Manager; Iván Cabral, SIBA General Manager, and Rodrigo Varilla, EGE Haina CFO.

This tour not only allowed us to closely examine the dimensions and magnitude of this impressive engineering work but also to have enriching conversations about new investment opportunities in the energy sector. The meeting reaffirmed our collaboration and shared vision of promoting sustainable and efficient energy development in the Dominican Republic.

We are grateful for the enriching experience provided by EGE Haina professionals. This visit reflects CIFI’s commitment to sustainable infrastructure development and our critical role as a catalyst for investment and collaboration in the energy sector. We will continue to advance our mission to drive economic growth and improve people’s quality of life through projects that make a difference.

César Cañedo-Arguelles, Judith de Barani, Michele Fiorentino, Ivan Cabral ,Alison Harwood, Perti Nurmio, Fabio Arciniegas, Joaquim Souza, Jose Salaverria, Javier Escorriola, Rodrigo Varillas , Eddy Gomez, Antonio Araúz y Carla Chízmar.

Alison Harwood, Fabio Arciniegas, Jose Salaverria, Judith de Barany, Javier Escorriola, Ingenieros.

Alison Harwood, César Cañedo-Arguelles, Pertti Nurmio, Engineers

Judith de Barany, Joaquim de Souza, Jose Salaverria.