Commitment to a sustainable future.
CIFI and AFI Universal, managers of the Closed-end Investment Fund for the Development of Dominican Infrastructure I, released their Sustainability Report, evidencing their commitment to transparency and contribution to sustainable development in the Dominican Republic.
The report outlines the environmental and social effects of the fund’s projects in the Dominican Republic, including the creation of more than 2,700 jobs from 2020 and the goal of reducing 300,000 tons of carbon emissions per year.
The presentation event was attended by authorities, union members and representatives of the Dominican pension funds, and leaders of AFI Universal and CIFI. Representative projects such as the Canoa Solar Park, the Blue Mall & JW Marriott Hotel, the Los Guzmancito Wind Farm, and the SIBA Thermoelectric Plant were also highlighted.
Finally, CIFI thanked the Dominican Republic for its trust and reaffirmed its commitment to building a more sustainable future. At CIFI, sustainability guides each step we take toward the future.

César Cañedo-Argüelles CIFI CEO, Dolores Margarita Pozo Perelló President of the AFI UNIVERSAL Administrative Council, Judith de Barany – CIFI Board of Directors hairperson, Eng. Ernesto M. Izquierdo Member – AFI UNIVERSAL Administrative Council

Carla Chízmar, Directora de Ambiental, Social y Gobernanza de CIFI

Equipo Gerencial de CIFI:Jose Salaverría, Javier Escorriola, Carla Chízmar, César Cañedo-Argüelles, Ramon Candia