CIFI operates a Grievance Mechanism exclusively dedicated to addressing complaints raised by individuals and communities affected by the projects financed by CIFI and its subsidiaries.

Through this Grievance Mechanism, CIFI aims to provide a fair, independent, efficient, and predictable process, whose objective is achieving complaint resolution through dialogue.

The Grievance Mechanism is based on the provisions of CIFI´s Human Rights Statement, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy, and Code of Ethics, as well as on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Equator Principles IV and the International Finance Corporation´s Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability. 

Who can file a report?

Any person or group who believes themselves to be directly affected by a project financed by CIFI or financed by CIFI-managed funds. Reports can be related to social, environmental, labor and human rights issues.

A report can be filed by a representative on behalf of the complainant if a signed letter authorization is provided.

Reports may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Attention to reports submitted in another language may require additional time due to the need for translation.

How and where to file a report

The channels available for filing a report are:

• Online form, accessible by clicking here
• Phone, dialing +507 839-2508
• Letter, addressed to:

MMG Tower, Costa del Este, 13th Floor, Office 13A
Roberto Motta Avenue
Panama, Republic of Panama

When filing a report, the following information should be provided:

• Complainant’s contact information (whether email, postal address or phone) where they can be notified of the process, unless it is an anonymous report. Anonymous reports are encouraged to submit an email address created only to communicate regarding the complaint. If that is not possible, please write down the report key and password to follow up online using Navex.

• A description of the project (name, location, activity).

• What the complainant perceives as a grievance, detailing it as best as possible, and indicating how he/she has been affected by it.

• A description of the actions taken by the project owner to try to resolve the grievance prior to submitting a complaint through CIFI’s mechanism.

• Photos, audio or videos may be included.

Main Steps